Yup, this was April Fools

But I do genuinely like the new site design. Look at that logo. Praise the sun!

Anyway, hope there's not too many hurt feelings about the Abaranger prank. I mean, you did see that our site was totally pink, right? And Abaranger was filmed in 4:3 format so there's no way it'd have a 1080 HD version. Notice how Abaranger didn't even have its own section on the tracker? Plus why would we even start Abaranger, we've got other stuff to do! There were quite a few clues if you looked for them.

And if you were fooled, just consider that an April Fool's day prank wouldn't be fun if everyone saw through it. That's just how things are. Well, live and learn, right?

So maybe we can keep the front page this way? The forum's already back to normal colors (needs the silver option. Can we add pink as an option too for those of us who liked it?) And the tracker needs to be set back.
