Three Sisters who play at Night

I'm pretty terrible at explanations, so I'll just put this out there. It's got Femme and Shizuka from Kiva as two of the three sisters. The guest star is Mano Erina who was Nadeshiko. The writing seems like tripe, but maybe this will be of interest to some people? The game they play is Hunter x Hunter.

Maybe they should make a Kamen Rider Girls team out of these three instead.


Kamen Rider Agito 24 released, at last!

G3-X is one of my favorite Rider suits. It's so awesome.

Thread / Wiki

Also, don't forget about our image threads. Share 'em if you've got 'em.

Wizard fanart thread

Fourze fanart thread

And there's always the Generic image thread


Let's Think Like an Exec: Why doughnuts?

Executive A: What theme should the food in this year's Rider be?! Last year we did McDonald's foods.

Executive B: It should be related to rings!

Executive C: Rings... circles... O's...


Executive A: No! No! People will think it's like Kamen Rider OOO!

Executive B: How about onion rings? They're called rings already, plus...


Photobucket can wear one like a ring!

Executive A: Too greasy! Plus, do we Japanese executives even know what onion rings are?!

Executive B: Fine, if you don't like my idea, I'll just be over here eating my dougnuts.


Kamen Rider Wizard 3 released

Where can I get me some posters like that?

Thread / Wiki

KR Wizard 02 released

Looks kind of like a wizard.

Thread / Wiki

Busters Ready Go~

29 & creditless op released

Thread / Wiki

Kamen Rider Agito 23 released

Man, Super Climax Heroes is looking amazing. The recent release looks sort of like episode 22 of Agito.

Super Climax HeroesChalice

Look at this, they brought back Agito and Chalice for this game. Crazy! I'm totally supporting this game.

KR Agito 23

Thread / Wiki

Happy Kaixa Day

It's time once again for that celebration everyone looks forward to every year.

Yes, it's "Draw Kamen Riders as large-breasted females" Day.


The most wonderful time of the year!


Houjou Tooru 22 released

Wait, who's the star of this show again?

Thread / Wiki

Kamen Rider Agito 21 released

I've been waiting forever to use this picture.

Thread / Wiki

Speaking of the wiki, lately we've been adding Infoboxes to the side of them. Aren't they pretty? Somehow having Skittlepedia seems fitting since we sub a bunch of children's shows.

Found Alpha, Beta, Gamma

They really don't look anything like those sketches.


Faiz Extra Riders?

So someone linked this to me this morning. It looks like these guys are called Neo-Alpha, Seeda, and Pyron. The link said they're based on Alpha, Beta (Β β), and Gamma (Γ γ) But it looks a lot more like Alpha, Theta (Θ θ), and Pi (Π π) to me. I mean, Seeda sounds like Theta and has the theta mark in white on the side.

Also, I don't think these guys were used in the Faiz stage shows. I remember Faiz having a white lady and black guy as Dark Slasher and Dark Rider from this link:

And I think I remember a green Agito, but I don't remember these guys. Maybe someone else knows?


KR Wizard opening?

So it's that time of year where we try to figure out the lyrics to the opening song by ear.


Check it out and let me know if you think something should be different. I'm definitely having trouble with the chorus.


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