Kamen Rider Decade

KR Decade 26 Blu-ray version released

What world will Decade invade next/

Thread / Wiki

Presented by ZAIA Enterprise

KR Decade 25 v3 released

Damn extra punctuation!\

KR Decade 25 v2 released

Accidentally commented out a line while editing it.

Decade 23 v2 released!

Whoops, messed up the editing. V2 fixes a line.

KR Decade 21 released!

Fan the flames of something something something!

Where have I seen this guy before?

Thread  / Wiki

KR Decade 18-19

There's two episodes released out of order because I made a mistake.

18: Thread / Wiki

19: Thread / Wiki

KR Decade 17 + Junctions 2-4 Released

Sadly, the Blu-ray only included SD sized versions for the junctions. Anyway, that's all from this Decade batch.

Thread / Wiki

KR Decade 13 Blu-ray released

It's almost time for the next Decade

Thread / Wiki

KR Decade 9v2 and 11 released also 1-11 batch too!

This is all I've got so far, hope to have more for you guys soon! Batch 1-11 is also out.

Edit: If you got on the 1-11 batch early, you might need to download the new torrent. The original had an extra unreleased copy of episode 6 in it that was wrong.

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