Gokai 23 HD released


HD version of the ending http://www.multiupload.com/CQMVREU1X9

If someone can make me a torrent with these two files for the tracker, I'd appreciate it. Just e-mail it to me.

Kamen Rider OOO 42 and Junction 6 released


Guess the series is coming to an end. We have 5-6 more episodes?

The word: Musaboru 貪る 【むさぼる】 (v5r) to covet, to indulge in, to deeply desire, to lust insatiably for, (P)
The kanji itself tan/don means to covert. If you combine it with the kanji for dirty汚 it means greed/corruption. So remember that if you want something in a dirty way, you're being greedy/corrupt.

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OOO 40 version 2 released


So quick correction for OOO 40. For an explanation of the correction, click this link.

OOO 41 and cm pack 4 released


Who is this handsome young man?!

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Mi-tooshi 見通し 【みとおし】 (n) perspective, unobstructed view, outlook, forecast, prospect, insight, (P)
Literally "to see" and "go through". I like remember the kanji for seeing as a floating eyeball. And speaking of go through, it's the same kanji as the first part of toori-sugari no Kamen Rider.

Den-O 25-30 and Movie HD

Once again it's time to rerelease an old favorite and the first of the too many to count Den-O movies.

Discussion thread

I forget what goes on in these episodes, so here's a picture of Deneb with a watermelon on his head.

Kamen Rider OOO 40 released


40 already?! This week includes some bonuses.

Nojuku 野宿 【のじゅく】 (n,vs) camping

From No/the wild and shuku/to live. Literally living in the wild. Same kanji for juku in Shinjuku by the way.

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Gokaiger 18 HD released

JustwhatLuka looking at

Helllooo ladies
Hmmm, just what is Luka looking at? She doesn't look into the camera in any of the shots.

KR OOO 39 HD released

And HD too

KR OOO 36-37 HD version 2 released

Hey, this looks familiar

And now the version 2 for the HDs have been released. Thanks!

Last HD Precure Batch is up

Precure Precure

Includes the movie and all the other good stuff. The bonus footage either has the HD version of the SD files or a copy of the SD file, so if you grab all the HD batches, you should have at least one type of all the files without needing to mess with the SD batches.

And that should keep us set up until DX 3 comes out.

Den-O 1-12 HD

Replacing episode 5 with a v2 to correct a video glitch


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