
Keibuho Yabe Kenzou 2 08 released!

Featuring Chalice's actor!

And that concludes the second tale of the world's best detective.

Thread / Wiki

Keibuho Yabe Kenzou 2 05 released!

This time featuring Ryuki as the guest star!

Thread / Wiki

Yabe Kenzou 2 episode 3-4 released

Special guests, Kamen Rider Za First, and Garren!

Legend 3 Thread / Wiki

Legend 4 Thread / Wiki

Yabe Kenzou 2 episode 1 released

The Trick spin-off with a million Rider references is back! Except this is series 2 (I guess someone already did series 1?) And I think the Zunou stuff we already subbed was the third series?

Anyway, get more quirky Japanese crime drama!

Thread / Wiki

Keibuho Yabe Kenzou: Jinkou Zunou vs Jinkou Zumou 03-5 released, series complete!

I'm sorry that this isn't a picture of his butt.

Please enjoy this comedy drama featuring Kamen Riders.

My Legend 3: Thread / Wiki

My Legend 4: Thread / Wiki

My Legend 5: Thread / Wiki

Keibuho Yabe Kenzou: Jinkou Zunou vs Jinkou Zumou 01 released!

That man... from Trick... is back! Even if your'e not usually into Jdorama's, check it out. There's a bunch of Rider references for some reason.

Thread / WIki

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