Kamen Rider OOO 42 and Junction 6 released


Guess the series is coming to an end. We have 5-6 more episodes?

The word: Musaboru 貪る 【むさぼる】 (v5r) to covet, to indulge in, to deeply desire, to lust insatiably for, (P)
The kanji itself tan/don means to covert. If you combine it with the kanji for dirty汚 it means greed/corruption. So remember that if you want something in a dirty way, you're being greedy/corrupt.

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Skull Direct Link

So Tack Angel requested that we post the direct link for the movie, since I guess the other links got deleted.


Hard-boiled Hard-boiled Hard-boiled

So, how about that Kamen Rider Skull merchandising? Jesus Toei, ever heard of showing some dignity and restraint? Just kidding, this is some of the most hard-boiled items I've seen in a while.

Kamen Rider Skull released


Well, not exactly. Looks like someone took the OOO/W movie and combined it with Begins...? Begins'...? Begin's? Begins Night to create a super movie all about Skull.

Check it out here.

And someone created a thread about it here. It's always cool when people do creative stuff like that.

To go a bit off topic, I hear the three minutes that has Optimus Prime in the Transformers movies are cool. I'd be all for someone just cutting those out and putting that on youtube for me to see. Yeah! Optimus Prime!

OOO 40 version 2 released


So quick correction for OOO 40. For an explanation of the correction, click this link.

Transformers Tuesday has kicked off (Galaxy Force 1-19 rebatch)

Galaxy ConvoyConvoy

So I hear you guys like watching Transformers movies. How about watching a show where the story is actually about giant robots and not fucking Shia LaBeouf?

Here's a rebatch of episodes 1-19 of Galaxy Force. It includes the DVD version of episode 1 and the promo. Please help seed if you can.

What can I say about Galaxy Force? Galaxy Convoy and his team travel across the universe to prevent its destruction, all the while confronting Starscream and Noisemaze and Megatron and such. You see a lot of locations, meet a lot of characters. The animation and the battles were pretty exciting. The merchandising and toys for the show were pretty good.

Don't get me wrong, the three kids who appear are important to the show, as are other humans. But the robots are important too, and each of them have their own personalities and quirks. Frankly, I liked the kids in this show and didn't think they were annoying or in the way at all. It's still a story about the giant robots and their lives and their conflicts, which is something I hear is lacking from the Bay movies.

To top this off, this show had animation from Gonzo Studios and top notch opening and ending music. I mean, those songs really rock, both the first set and the second set.

So if you missed it the first time, check it out. The rebatch doesn't have anything new, it just includes the DVD version of episode one and the promo for the series. If you're a Transformers fan, you can't really go wrong with this series.

Galaxy Force forum

Remember that you can resume batch torrents

Adding splash pics to our photobucket account


We've gotten a lot of great art for our splash screens. Thank you to all you creative people out there. They're beautiful and we appreciate the work that goes into them.

Now you too can enjoy them in one place! So far I've added the Kamen Rider pics in my splash folder. I think I moved some of them to other folders, but there's a lot of them there. Enjoy!

Edit: I'm adding more as I go along. So maybe check the photobucket account from time to time over the next few days.


So I created an index for the front page tags


Now you can go back and easily find older posts, should you ever want to do so.


OOO/W Movie Core released

Kamen RiderKamen Rider

I go off on a fucking long rant, so don't read the thread till you've seen the movie.

Kamen RiderKamen Rider
In other news, W Gundams! Wheee!

Edit: Oh yeah, chronologically, this movie takes place after the end of the W TV series and before the Accel movie.

Ever get confused by all the movies that keep coming out? We thought so, so we've created threads to explain where in the series one should watch a movie. We have one for OOO, one for W... Of course we also do Den-O and Decade, which is basically when this movie explosion started to become a problem.

Our new mascots!

We here at #TV-Nihon have had a strict no-spoiler policy for quite a long while, so it only seems reasonable to try and make people more aware of the mods' itchy ban-hammer hands. Thus we unveil our brand new mascots!


(Only fooling. Lovingly stolen from John Huertas of TV show Castle fame's Twitter.)


OOO 41 and cm pack 4 released


Who is this handsome young man?!

About #TV-Nihon

Mi-tooshi 見通し 【みとおし】 (n) perspective, unobstructed view, outlook, forecast, prospect, insight, (P)
Literally "to see" and "go through". I like remember the kanji for seeing as a floating eyeball. And speaking of go through, it's the same kanji as the first part of toori-sugari no Kamen Rider.

Den-O 25-30 and Movie HD

Once again it's time to rerelease an old favorite and the first of the too many to count Den-O movies.

Discussion thread

I forget what goes on in these episodes, so here's a picture of Deneb with a watermelon on his head.

You got Riders in my high school drama!


Someone pointed this out to me, so I thought I'd pass it along. Looks like there are three Rider actors in this series (I guess Kabuto was in the last series?) Kiriyama Renn (W), Satou Yuki (Gatack), and Tokuyama Hidenori (TheBee).

Site problems

Looks like the site is having issues. Might want to write your posts in notepad just in case it doesn't go through



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